About Research and Proposal Development
Welcome to RPD!
The Research and Proposal Development (RPD) unit within the Offices of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development (ORIED) assists faculty and staff with the development of grant and contract proposals to external funding agencies and organizations.
Services provided include assistance with the conceptualization of project ideas, refinement of proposal narratives, and development of project budgets. Additionally, here you can find grant writing and other resources to aid in the development of developing competitive proposals for external funding. For a full list of services and the associated timelines, see the ORIED Proposal Services Matrix
Uniform Guidance Updates
On October 1, 2024 , the Office of Management and Budget Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance (2 CFR 200) – Final Rule went into effect. Areas impacted by the changes include equipment/supplies, subaward amounts subject to indirect cost, de minimis indirect cost rates, and Single Audits. The increases to equipment thresholds ($5,000 to $10,000) and subaward amounts subject to indirect cost (increased from the first $25,000 to $50,000) can only be implemented once a new Sacramento State Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement is approved. An indirect cost rate proposal was submitted in fiscal year (FY) 2023 to our cognizant agency, however negotiations have not yet been initiated. Until the new rate agreement is approved, we cannot implement the new equipment and subaward thresholds into new proposal budgets. Once negotiations with the cognizant agency are complete, we will communicate the new effective date to you. Besides the equipment and subaward thresholds, all other revisions are effective for Federal awards issued on or after October 1, 2024.
Planning a Submission?
In accordance with ORIED's Proposal Submission Guidelines, it is recommended that you complete a Proposal Intake Form as soon as you identify a funding opportunity or request for proposals/applications for which are considering or plan to apply. Notifications received by ORIED within 3 weeks of a funding agency deadline will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to assess staff capacity to assist, and we are no longer able to guarantee that proposals with short notice will be able to move forward to submission.
ORIED Events
http://www.trumba.com/calendars/sac-state-research-innovation-economic-development.json- Event feed not specified or loaded.